Dr. Bhaswar Banerjee

Bhaswar Banerjee is a renowned Reciter, Actor, Voice & Speech Trainer, Media Trainer, Theatre Director and Writer (Theatre Books). He was graduated from National School of Drama, New Delhi (three years special Diploma in Dramatics), did M.A. in Mass Communication and Journalism, from Dhaka University, and Ph.D. in Dramatics from RabindraBharati University, Kolkata, India.

Directed several plays and works as a freelance theatre Director. He directed Antigone, Oedipus,Raktokarobi, Raja, Daakghar, BishBirikkherBeej, ObhishoptoNagori, Bisharjon, ProthomPartho, AleekBabu, JaisaKaTaisa, ShadhabarEkadoshi, Ekei Ki Bole Shabbhyata, BudoShalikerGhade Ron, BanorerPaa (Monkey’s Paw) etc.

Trained from the Theatre personalities and worked with Roger Croucher& Roger Williams, Clive Barker, Cicily Berry, Peter Brook, FritzBenevitz, Barry John and Deborah Warner.

Acted in the film Nadir NaamModhumati, Lalon, Rabeya, Bangla Mayer DamalChele, Rajputtur, MonerMaanush,ShuchonaRekharDikey, Chitkini.

Written three books titled Natya: Swar O Sanglap, ObhignanNatyakatha and Natyashashtra: Rash O Abhinay.